All That You Must Know About As-built Documentation

All That You Must Know About As-built Documentation

A building contractor might discuss many drawings and documents that are legally needed in this business during the construction process.

As-built drawings are also invaluable blueprints to show the construction details of any building accurately and are needed to obtain building permits.

Therefore, as-built services are important for building architects and designers. This documentation will guarantee the precision and comprehensiveness of the whole project plan.

Precision Property Measurements Inc. can offer the service to create these drawings. Through these drawings, one can get information about the details that were made during the construction process such as:

  • Actual structure
  • Modifications
  • Additions
  • Deviations

Why is it so important?

The layout of your home as built is crucial, and if you plan to renovate or do maintenance, you will always need it.

You must connect with the appropriate team and management to ensure you accurately receive your as-built layout.

Who will need this document?

Several agencies may refer to this documentation, and it has several applications for your AEC clients, which include:

1.      General contractors

Your contractor will always need up-to-date records to show that their task is completed as per the contract and the specified standards.

2.      Owners and facility managers

Facility managers who will maintain your building will also need this document so that they can easily access all the historical data of your building, right from its original design to its present state.

This will be needed for:

  • Detailed maintenance
  • Operational tasks
  • For advanced simulation

3.      Building companies

Building companies who may work on your building in the future need to know the correct measurements and schematics used during construction to perform the necessary renovations or improvements.

Who creates this document?

Theoretically, anyone may begin designing a building layout with just a pen, paper, and measuring tape. Doors, walls, casework, windows, ceiling heights, kitchen and bathroom appliances, and stairwell steps can all have their widths marked.

However, as soon as you start going further, you will quickly understand how much work it takes—not to mention all the nuances required.

As-built creation and documentation is typically a labor-intensive procedure requiring:

  • Plenty of measurements
  • Physical work
  • Meticulous attention to detail
  • Lengthy note-taking.

As-built drawing service providers often use the services of building and design specialists who can produce precisely formatted and correct as-builts.

These professionals are aware of the notes that need to be made on the sketches. They are also able to describe the different components of the website.

These as-built drawing specialists are knowledgeable with the several building systems that make up the structure and how they work together.


When it comes to outsourcing, architects and designers frequently turn to as-built drawing services since they can be trusted with the work.

Specialists in as-built drawings offer accurate as-built drawings in CAD and digital documents, with a focus on recording spaces.

These service providers use a variety of procedures, approaches, technologies, and tools to complete the as-built documentation, producing precise and in-depth drawings.

These as-built drawing services employ a laser measure in addition to the traditional tape measure to obtain measurements quickly.