Which Scents Can You Use As a Natural Moth Repellent?


Moths are found in our homes so often and they can create notable harm to textiles, including clothing. Тhere are numerous moth repellents that can be found on the market, but most of them include strong chemicals which may pose risks to both humans and the environment. Luckily, nature always has ways to help us, with natural moth deterrents that are both efficient and non-toxic for use. Тhis article will delve into top natural moth deterrents, along with weighing the pros and cons of using these natural options. We will additionally offer advice on storing clothes correctly to avoid moths, as well as seasonal tips for preventing moth infestations.

Which Smell Can You Use As Natural Moth Control Repellents?

Moths might appear innocent, yet they can cause notable harm to your clothing and fabric items. These insects consume materials like wool, silk, and cotton made from natural fibres, causing visible holes and damage. Тhere numerous chemical moth deterrents are on the market, they frequently have disagreeable scents and can pose risks to your well-being. Lucky for everyоne, there are several natural fragrances available to deter moths instead of using strong chemicals.

Lavender is seen as one of the best natural repellents for moths. The strong and familiar fragrance of lavender repels moths. To stop moths, you can choose to use sachets filled with lavender or hang dried lavender bundles in your closet. In addition to its pleasant fragrance, it also benefits the nervous system. Cedar is another effective choice for repelling moths. Cedar chests and closets have been used for storing clothes and fabrics for many years because of cedar’s natural oils that repel moths. Cedar blocks or sachets can also be utilised to repel moths.

Benefits and Disadvantages of Natural Moth Repellents

Natural moth repellents have advantages over chemical ones. They are safer around people and pets as they do not release harmful fumes, reducing health risks like respiratory and skin issues. Formulated with botanical elements, organic repellents do not result in negative side effects. They are environmentally friendly as they are biodegradable and do not harm wildlife or pollute the environment like chemical repellents containing toxic substances.

Can you believe that they are more effective than chemical ones, as moths can develop a resistance to chemicals over time. Constantly evolving with new plant-based ingredients, natural repellents are a better choice. However, they can be pricier and less convenient to use compared to chemical repellents, requiring more frequent application and effort for effectiveness.

Commercial Moth Repellents & Other Solutions

Even though many commercial moth repellents effectively stop clothes moths, their chemical ingredients can pose risks for individuals, especially those with allergies or asthma. Moreover, many moths can develop resistance to chemical repellents with repeated exposure, rendering them ineffective.

Safer methods for moth control include utilising natural options such as cedarwood, lavender, and cloves, which are not harmful and more effective at warding off moths than commonly used repellents. The strong aroma of cedarwood by itself can stop moths from laying eggs in clothes, making it a very successful moth deterrent. Lavender and cloves are additionally quite useful and offer the extra advantage of giving stored clothing a nice scent.

Creating your own clothes moth deterrent is extremely simple. You have the option to use cedarwood blocks or sachets with lavender and cloves, or you can put cedarwood, lavender, or clove essential oil on a cotton ball or cloth in your stored clothes, drawers, and closets.

Tips for Storing Clothes to Avoid Damage From Moths

Properly storing clothing is essential when it comes to moth control:

  • Check clothing for damage before storing
  • Discard or wash infested clothing
  • Wash all clothes before storing to prevent mould growth
  • Natural fibres like wool, silk, and cotton are vulnerable to moth damage
  • Consider storing susceptible clothes in airtight containers or garment bags
  • Cedar containers or sachets with lavender, cloves, or peppermint can repel moths
  • Keep storage areas clean and free from crumbs
  • Regularly check stored clothes for signs of moths or damage
  • Use natural moth repellents to protect clothes from pests

Signs of a Moth Infestation and Seasonal Tips for Moth Prevention

If you are able to identify the indicators of a moth infestation you are already one step above all else. A clear indication is the existence of tiny holes in materials, commonly located near seams or edges. Another sign is the existence of silk encasements or webs, which are produced by moth larvae while they eat. Furthermore, adult moths can be seen flying or resting on fabrics. If you think there are moths infesting, it’s essential to act quickly to stop more harm.

To successfully avoid moth infestations, it is recommended to adhere to specific seasonal advice. Regular inspection and control are crucial during the peak activity of moths in the warmer months. Check your stored clothes and fabrics for any indication of moths, with particular focus on folded or tucked areas. Tidying closets, drawers, and storage spaces is an excellent method to make sure they are devoid of dust, crumbs, and food remnants that may lure moths. Consider placing moth repellents such as cedar blocks, lavender sachets, or peppermint oil in storage areas to keep moths away.

When the colder months arrive then moth activity decreases, it is still crucial to take preventive measures. Keep storage areas clean and free from food sources, and continue to inspect stored fabrics regularly. If you notice any indications of moths, act promptly to deal with the infestation and stop additional harm. By adhering to these seasonal suggestions and using natural moth deterrents, you can successfully safeguard your clothes and textiles against moth harm, maintaining their quality and durability.


Safe and sustainable natural moth repellents are an effective option for safeguarding textiles from harm. Their lack of harmful substances guarantees the safety of both humans and pets, while also protecting the environment. Natural alternatives do not carry any health risks or worries about resistance development in moths, unlike chemical repellents. The repellents have repeatedly demonstrated their effectiveness, making them the top choice for those looking for a holistic method of moth control. These natural repellents made of cedarwood, lavender, and cloves can easily be included in storage areas to give dependable protection and maintain the quality of valuable fabrics.